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George – Owner/ Mechanic

Founder, Owner & Operator of H&R BMW® Service, George has been working on BMW® cars since he was a young boy. Since then, he has received schooling in the Munich Germany BMW® factory and has gained vast experience while working in various BMW® shops. In the end of 1985, George founded H&R BMW® Service, only a few blocks from its current location.

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Automotive Technician/ Mechanic​ 


Lina – Owner/ Admin/ Finance

Every great operation has a secret to its success and Lina is ours. While Goerge typically supports the front end of the business, while Lina runs the back end with admin, finance, logistical support, and making sure the business is efficient and profitable. 

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  1. Perform work as instructed, with care, accuracy, and efficiency, in accordance with standards dictated by supervisor.
  2. Diagnose malfunctions and perform repair
  3. Communicate with vendors as instructed.
  4. Examine vehicle to determine if additional service work is required.
  5. Road-test when required.
  6. Understand and follow federal, state and local regs, such as those governing hazardous wastes.
  7. Follow all company safety policies and procedures.


  1. Knowledge of shop equipment.
  2. Strong mechanical apptitude.
  3. Detail-oriented while being productive.
  4. Ability to operate automobile with valid driver's license AND clean drug screening.
  5. Automotive repair 6 years. (BMW preferred.)
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h&r independent bmw® service

www.4Bimmers.com ©  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

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A family owned & operated BMW® Repair Shop.